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after-tax income中文

用"after-tax income"造句"after-tax income" in a sentence"after-tax income"怎麼讀


  • 納稅后的所得
  • 納稅后收入
  • 納稅后所得
  • 稅后所得


  • Pretax after - tax income
  • Only a small fraction of the bush tax cuts will boost after - tax incomes soon enough to affect spending in the short term
  • Today china ' s thrifty households tuck away a quarter of their after - tax income ? one of the highest saving rates in the world
    目前,中國家庭會將稅后收入的1 / 4存入銀行,這是世界上最高的存款率之一。
  • Increasing after - tax incomes usually causes all but the rich to spend , on average , between 60 and 90 cents of each extra dollar
  • In fact , for the first time since statistics canada started collecting the figures , canadians actually engaged in " dissaving . " that means they spent more than they received in after - tax income
    事實是,自從加拿大統計局開始收集消費和儲蓄這方面的數據以來,今年的第一個季度是加拿大人第一次實現了“負支出” ,即加拿大人所花的錢超出了他們交完稅后所得的收入。
用"after-tax income"造句  


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